Out in the vicinity of Eta Carine, deep in the interstellar void, the Escher sat silently. Although night and day were meaningless in the midst of space, the interior of the Escher was dimmer than usual, having been programmed to simulate a standard 24-hour Earth day. It being "nighttime," the ship was silent as its crew slept. Or, rather, as HALF the crew slept. In the darkened lounge, Loden and Kiyone lay on the floor in a sweaty, tangled mass of limbs. Straining upward, Kiyone bit her lip. "I can't...can't..." she moaned as she stretched her legs as far as she could. "Come on, it's all right...you can do it..." Loden coaxed. He moved beneath her to give her more room. "Almost...just a bit more..." Gasping, Kiyone arched her entire body as she stretched her legs even further, finally placing her right foot upon the green circle on the mat beneath her. "LODEN: RIGHT HAND RED," droned the automated Twister spinner. Loden made to comply, but was distracted by a sudden "BUH-DUM-DUM-*CHING*" Turning his head, he got a glimpse of Urania sitting at a drum set before he was bonked in the nose with what appeared to be a lemon. "OW!" Loden rolled off the Twister mat and sat up. "What the hell..." Gordon Freeman chucked another lemon at the confused captain. "Nice scene. Really. Anyone who didn't see THAT punchline coming, raise their hand now." There was a pause. "Note that I'm not raising my hand." Urania, still seated at the drum set, gazed quizzically at him. "What was the deal with that, anyway?" Loden stood, rubbing his nose. "Well, sex sells, right? I figured that a bit of "pseudo-lemon" might improve our ratings." Freeman shook his head. Looking at Kiyone, he said "Him I can understand. But why did you agree to this idiotic scheme?" Sitting up on the Twister mat, Kiyone shrugged. "Hey, a girl can't let her hair down once and a while? Besides, it's not like I was going to actually...you know..." She gave Freeman and Urania a look that basically said 'I mean, just LOOK at him.' Urania nodded. "Yeah, I didn't think you'd do anything like that...not with HIM, anyway." Regaining his composure, Loden stood. "Ok, that's enough silliness for now. We've got a new lemon to MST" The crew groaned. "But," continued Loden, "since it's late at...uh...'night,' I've made popcorn and hot chocolate!" Silence. Loden shifted nervously. "Um...did I mention that there are little marshmallows in the hot chocolate?" There was a second more of silence before the lights went red and a soft buzzer went off. Loden sighed in relief. "Saved by the bell...Ok, everyone into the theater!" Sighing, Freeman, Kiyone, and Urania marched through the theater doors ahead of a grinning Loden. ------------------------ Loden Taylor presents: An MST of "Nobuyuki's Secret" Disclaimer: Tenchi Muyo!, and it's characters, are the property of Pioneer and AIC. Gordon Freeman is the property of Valve software. Urania, on the other hand, belongs to the world. I'm not making any money off of this, so please don't sue. As always, I'm open to C&C. My e-mail is loden_t@hotmail.com. And now, on with the MST! ------------------------ : Well Loden, you're an idiot, but you do make good hot chocolate. So I guess you're not all that bad. : Hey, thanks. : ...but, don't forget, you're still an idiot. : But since you're an idiot who makes good hot chocolate, it's not all that bad. : Jeez! I got it, already! : Are you sure? 'Cause we could go over it again, if you want. : Hey, the fic's starting. Hey this is my first lemon. Please enjoy. Ohh and I dont own any of that copy right junk, BLAH BLAH : Nice disclaimer. It'll come in handy if you ever get sued, BLAH BLAH. Nobuyuki's Secret. By Mr. Sinister : Wasn't he a bad guy in X-Men? This takes place after the girls hear about Tenchi's new girlfriend in Tokyo and they want to visit him, : Oh, lord. "Shin Tenchi" continuity. : Hey, it didn't suck THAT much...well, ok, maybe it was a bit too 'Sailor Moon'-ish. : I haven't seen it. : Neither have I... : You're lucky. Not only have I SEEN it, I was IN it. but they need to get money so they are trying to steal Nobuyuki's money. : Say...if Washu's such a genius, couldn't she just COUNTERFIT the money? Or set up a little bank error that dumps a few thousand into the family account? : Do not question the logic of lemons, or of 'Tenchi in Tokyo.' Such endeavors leave one frustrated and exhausted. : A lot like WATCHING either will do. : Yeah...so if you're going to be angst filled and worn out anyway, why make it harder on yourself? The scene is the living room. : Thanks for the background. "WHERE IS IT??!!" Ryoko screamed into Nobuyuki's ear. "Where is what? Replied Nobuyuki : MY FRANK ZAPPA ALBUM! WHERE IS IT? I CAN'T GET FUNKY WITHOUT IT! : Yeah, baby! Give me...your dirty love... : You lost me on that one. "THE MONEY" Said Royko : You want I should break his thumbs, Miz Ryoko? "Please tell us where it is, we want to see Tenchi" said Sesami : "Sesami"? : Up next, on Sesami Street, we'll learn the letter C! : C is for Cookie, that's good enough for me! "Yeah and we want to see him with Sakua. Tenchi belongs to me, and only me" said Ryoko quietly : I've got the deed! I purchased the mining rights to Tenchi just last week. "Look I'm getting sick and tired of you girls always taking my money. IT'S MINE. : Wow! Nobuyuki grew a backbone! GO NOBUYUKI! : I'm thinking it's going to cost him... If you want to see Tenchi go get a job and make your own money. I work day and ......" Nobuyuki suddenly stopped while he felt a hard fist into his stomach coming from Ryoko. "No why did you do that?" Mehoshi said looking really worried. : I wanted to hit him first. She had one tear coming from her left eye while she ran and grabbed Nobuyuki before he fell to the floor. "That was a bit harsh, but it was acceptable. Since we do need the money to see Lord Tenchi" Aeka said, with her snotty nose up high. : Oh, do you need a tissue? I'll get one for you... "Yeah please let us have the money to see Tenchi, we only care for him" Kyone said with a little worried look on her. : Wow! Look, Kiyone, it's you...except with bad spelling. : I suddenly feel very depressed. : It could be worse. Out of the four fics we've done, you've only been in two of them. : Yeah, but I got killed in one, and now I'm in THIS. : Still, out of all the characters, you made out the best...well, except for Mihoshi. I don't think we've seen as much of her. "And if you don't give us the money I can use you as a ginney pig" Washu said with an evil grin on her face. "THATS IT!!! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU GIRLS. I ACCEPTED YOU ALL TO LIVE IN MY HOUSE BUT THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME. BY BEATING ME !!!!" Nobuyuki said extremely angry. "What are you gonna do about it?? Hahaha old man your only human, NOW GIVE US THE MONEY" Ryoko said, clenching her right fist together. : Hahaha this fic sucks A WHOLE FREAKING LOT. : Hmmm...I fear we're nearing the OOC event horizon - the point where the people in the fic are so horribly out of character that there's no going back. : Tell me, what would be a sign that we're about to cross it? : Look for something outrageous. Something that would never possibly happen in the series, given the characters' dispositions. "GET OUT NOW, LEAVE OR ELSE......" bam another punch right into Nobuyuki's stomach. Blood came out of his mouth and nose. : There's one. : Captain, what ever will we do? : There's nothing we can do, child. Just try to hang on. : Wow, pseudo-drama. Gotta love it. "No please stop Ryoko' said Mihoshi, she was crying as she held Nobuyuki once again. "Shut up, you stupid idiot" Ryoko said while Kyone grabbed Mihoshi. Then Ryoko slapped Mihoshi and she fell onto the ground crying and holding her left cheek. : Another sign. The OOC event horizon must be nearby. : I don't think I like me in this fic...not that I'd like me in ANY of these fics... : It's the intense badness of the fic. It not only warps time and space, but personalities as well. It gets worse the closer we get to... : ...the OOC event horizon, yes, we get it. Nobuyuki looked at Ryoko with fire in his eyes and said " THATS IT. YOUVE HIT THE LAST STRAW" : NOOOOOO, WAIT, THERE'S ONE STRAW LEFT. SO YOU'VE HIT THE SECOND TO LAST STRAW! : Dude, I thought Ryoko hit Nobuyuki, not a straw. : Maybe he's just a straw man. : We are the hollow men...we are the stuffed men... "HAHAHA I WANT TO SEE WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT" said Ryoko Nobuyuki stood up, removed his glasses and started to scream 'AHHHHHHHHHH' . : STELLAAAAAAAA!!!! Then his eyes started to burn with fire and his hair slowly started to raise into the air. He started the twitch as his muscle started to grow and grow, his shirt ripped showing his muscles as they where still growing. : What the...is he turning into the Incredible Hulk? : I wouldn't put it past this author. : Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry. Nobuyuki's hair stood at and end as it slowly started to turn blonde, then slowly his eyes started to turn into a blueish green while his eyebrows turned yellow, the same hair color as his hair. : Oh, no. This is worse than the Incredible Hulk. This is... : HA! Are we honestly supposed to believe that Nobuyuki is a Saiyan? : Have we crossed the OOC event horizon yet? : Oh yeah...big time. He stood up strait with his fists at chest height. At the end of his transformation, he was absolutely huge. All the girls looked at him in fear except Ryoko and Washu. "Nice trick" said the calm Washu, "But you're not doing much." : Nobuyuki can't be a Saiyan. He doesn't have the hair for it. : Yeah. It's got to be at least a quarter of his overall height. The transformed Nobuyuki looked at Ryoko, then he grabbed her and threw her outside of the house to the large lake. Nobuyuki flew after as the other girls followed. : FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! "Look I gave you a warning but now it's too late, I'm gonna teach you all a lesson, and especially you Ryoko for hitting Mihoshi." : Do you SMELLLLLLL what NOBUYUKI is COOKIN'?!? As he hovered over Ryoko, she flew up and hit him in the stomach again, but the new and extremely powerful Nobuyuki didn't even move an inch. "WHAAAAAAAT!!" said the confused Ryoko "It's my turn!" Nobuyuki said. : No! It's MY turn to act all stupid and out of character! : Mine! : No, mine! : I know I'll be getting my chance soon enough, so I won't even bother... Then he punched Ryoko in the face. She flew strait into the lake. : Oh, you mean she took one look at Nobuyuki, started laughing, and wasn't watching where she was flying and ended up in the lake. Yeah, thanks. It makes more sense now. He looked and turned at the other girls. He flew towards them and he grabbed Kyono : Um...is that supposed to be me? : Uh...yeah, probably. Maybe. I can't tell for sure. : To make things easier, let's just assume that it is you, and that the author can't spell. before she was able to get her lazer gun out of her gun holder. : You mean "holster." : Why use fancy words like that? Gun holder works for me. He flew up around 30 feet into the air and started to slap her hard. He didn't stop until she was bleeding and out cold. : Wow. That's not very nice of him. : I'll say. After a couple of hard slaps, she was out and he dropped her. : Didn't we just go over this? Then he started to power up a blast, then he shot it at Aeka. The blast ripped through her shield and hit Aeka in the chest, she went flying into Sesami and Ryo-Ohki, she hit them out cold. : What?!? What the hell did Sasami and Ryo-Ohki do to deserve that? : Damn, he's taking out everybody. When did this turn into Falling Down? : Maybe he's making a point about how, in the modern age, everyone pays. Even for things they didn't do. : Really? You think so? : Nah. He's just an idiot. "You said it was fake Washu. Now you can feel how fake it really is. HAHAHA" "I'm not done with you yet.." said a Ryoko as she flied out of the lake with blood all around her. : So the blood was flieding all around her as she flied out of the lake? : Or Ayeka anywhere. : Lack of grammar...bad! "Becareful Ryoko, He's very powerful but you might have a chance" said Washu, then she thought * She's doomed* : I heard that! Yosho heard all she shouting, screaming and the blasts from the shrine. So he got up and ran towards the house. He looked at Nobuyuki, laughed and said " Well Raditz it looks like your up to your old tricks again" : So, he thinks this is funny? : Ho ho ho...you young scamp. Always getting into mischief, always beating up on girls. Ah, to be young and carefree again... : Wow. What a bastard. At the battle Nobuyuki started to beat on Ryoko until she was out. He kept on giving her the old Jab-Punch-Jab, : Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee! : You've got to cut me, Mick. Cut me! : So, Urania, do all muses watch as many movies as you do? : Hey, you ever try astronomy as a profession? Do you know how often a good observation night can be ruined by unexpected cloudy weather? And you can't do it during the day, so that's a lot of free time. : But, since you're a muse, does any of that really matter? I mean, you know, supernatural powers and all... : Oh...shut up. Here, I haven't done this in a while... : OUTH!!! MY NOTHE!! DAMMID, DAT HURTH!!! : I love you, too. Now let's watch the fic. he kept it simple so that Ryoko could block it, but she was too slow and he was way too powerful. He gave her another jab then a final uppercut to finish her off. : 1, 2, 10. Winner by KO...NOBUYUKI! : You ok, Loden? : Yeah...I'm fine. Just getting a bit tired of being nailed in the nose by random objects. She was out, in another dimension but not dead. : Huh? Did someone turn the censors on? Then Nobuyuki pointed his finger at Washu an gave her a little blast that would knock her out. Yosho looked the girls and wondered why Nobuyuki didn't get Mihoshi. "Ahh I see now. It looks like he may have feelings for her" Then he turned around and walked back to his shrine. : Because, of course, he didn't care at all about any of the other girls, including Sasami. : Of course. Nobuyuki landed on the ground and he changed back to him old self. : I'm thinking that there's a heavy drug influence in this fic. : Yeah...it looks like cocaine has hit this author in a big way. Back into his human form, he walked towards the house and picked up his glasses. "Ahh come on this was my favorite shirt, but now it's all torn up". : Wow. Maybe if you didn't do weird and impossible shit while wearing it, it wouldn't end up like that. He put on his glasses and he saw Mihoshi running towards him. : *WHAM!* YOU WANT SOME TOO...oops, sorry Mihoshi. "WOW!!! That was amazing Nobuyuki, I never knew that you were one of those special guys. : You know, one of those special guys on crack. You know the guys that their planet got blown up by Frieza.." Mihoshi said. "Ehh you mean a Sayin? Yes thats right I am a Sayin" Nobuyuki replied to Mihoshi : Yep, a "Sayin." Know what I'm sayin'? : I know what you're sayin'. : Do you? : Yep. You're sayin' that this fic SUCKS BIG DONKEY ASS!! "Does anyone know?" Mihoshi said looking confused "My old wife and Yosho. Look I don't want people to know beacuse of my past. Hey let's go inside and do into the hot springs pool, and relax" "Hehehe ohh you, eh ok" Mishoshi said blushing : Nobuyuki replied "Are you alright?" "Yeah thank you, thanks for saving me back then" Mihoshi said still blushing : Either Nobuyuki is tripping, the author is, or we are. : I don't think we are. This wouldn't be so bad if we were. : Damn...well, come on. Break time. : WHAT? : We get a break? : Yep. New policy. It's better for your health. : Really? : Um...no, not really. But it does make the MST longer. : Filler material. Great. : Hey, don't look a gift horse in the mouth... ------------------------ : So, Gordon, what was this idea of yours, again? : It's easy. I figure that, if Nobuyuki is a Saiyan, then we probably are too. We just don't know it. : Hmmmm...I don't know about that one... : Hey, you never know. I mean, if THAT wimp is a Saiyan, then ANYONE could be. : I'm not up on my DBZ. Can women even BE Saiyans? : Well...you've got me on that one. I don't know either. But we've got to have SOME sort of strange powers. Give it a try. : But I'm a muse, I've got them to begin with...oh, whatever. Here goes nothing. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!! : Wow, Urania! It looks like your secret, hidden power is that, in addition to being the ancient muse of astronomy, you're the divine mother of fast food employees everywhere! : Why do I not feel excited about that? : Ok, me next. RRRHHHHAAAAAAAAAARRGHHH!!!! : Hmmmm...it would appear that your secret, hidden power is that you can turn into a large, anthropomorphic fox. : Damn. I was hoping I'd be able to blow shit up, or something. : How about you, Kiyone? Want to try it? : Yeah, sure. Might as well... YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! : What the... : Gee, I guess you don't have any strange powers. : No, wait, look! Her earrings changed color! : Wow...that has got to be the most useless power I've ever heard of. : Ok, now I'll give it a shot. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGH!!!! : ... : Wow. : Ironic. : I'll say... : Whoops! Everyone back in the theater! ------------------------ They walked inside and went to their rooms to get their swimming suits. Mihoshi got her 2 piece Bikini. It was dark blue with yellow lacing. Nobuyuki got his black swimming trunks. : Wait...doesn't everyone usually bathe naked? : No, no, it's ok. They can remained clothed if they want. In fact, it might be for the best if they did. : You smell a lemon scene coming up? : Yes...but perhaps it can be avoided... Mihoshi went into the pool while Nobuyuki went into the kitchen and got a special bottle of Sucke. : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! "Sucke?" Oh, man... : I sometimes think that this whole fic is just one big bottle of "sucke." A huge barrel of "sucke," even. : This fic "suckes," that's for sure. Then he ran to the pool. He saw Mihoshi there and he slowly walked towards the pool. Her back was turned at the door so she didn't know he was there. Nobuyuki slowly got into the pool and he put his hand on Mihoshi's shoulder. "Ohh I didn't hear you come in" she looked at him with a surprised face and said " Is that sucke?" : YES! And there's more where that came from! : We're just getting to the really "sucke" parts. Nobuyuki said " Yes thats right, but here I see your a bit tense let me give you a message" : Huh? A message for me? What's it say? : Let's see...it reads: INCOMING LEMON AND BAD X-OVER STOP ADVISE NOT GETTING OUT OF BED TODAY STOP Mihoshi nodded her head. Then Nobuyuki poured 2 glasses of sucke : There's more "sucke" in this fic than that! and he handed one to Mihoshi. Mihoshi got up while Nobuyuki opened his legs signaling Mihoshi to sit down. She sat down between his legs with her back turned at him. He started to message her shoulders "Hmmmm this feels soo good" Mihoshi looked up at the celling and she closed her eyes. "So will you tell me you past story now? PLEASE?" "Mishoshi I feel like I cant trust with anything. Ok well about 20 years ago. : What? I came to this earth to find my brother Kakarot. : Sentence fragments...hurting brain! : I think that's enough William Shatner for one day...hey, wait...did we just rip off someone else's gag? : ...I don't...know... : "Kakarot"? It's Kakarrotto! And even in the censored version it was "Kakarrot." : THERE! It happened again! : Huh? : I just keep getting the feeling that we're ripping off someone else's jokes... : Maybe we should just stop this line of gags now... I came here to tell him to come back or to kill him. But he was too power full for me and he had 2 power full allies, his son Gohan and a Namek named Picolo. I was winning until Kakarot held me back and Picolo shot at me, but at the last second I was able to dodge the shot. I had to fly out as fast as I could, while I had to lower my power so they couldn't sence me. I realized that I wasn't powerful enough, and that I had to stay low. : Huh? Was anyone paying attention to that? : What? : Wait...what happened? Who was... : Forget it. Not important, and probably stupid anyway. I came here and met with a beutiful woman, her father Yosho knew about my powers and he helped me train. : He kicked your ass a lot, didn't he? : Big time. I hit SuperSayin level but then I stopped training because I had a newborn son.." "Oh oh I know, thats Tenchi right?" Mihoshi said all excited : NO... : ...sarcasm. "Yes thats right Mihoshi, well you know the rest of the story. My wife died and I had to raise Tenchi myself" Nobuyuki said sounding a bit sad : Sad that his wife died? Go figure... "I never thought that would meet any one as beutyful as my wife, but then you came into my life Mihoshi" : You're the most beutyfulist woman in the whole big world. "You mean me? You have had feeling for me all this time? : Yes, I have had feeling for you. Not feelings, of course...just the one feeling that I've got for you. Why didn't you tell me anything?" Mihoshi said all confused. "Well I always thought that you loved Tenchi like the other girls" he replied "HA?! I dont love Tenchi, I love you" Mihoshi said while she turned around and sat on his right lap. She looked at Nobuyuki shile a tear ran down her eyes. "I love you Mihoshi and I have from the first day I saw you" Nobuyuki said while he looked into those beutyfull blue eyes. : Wow. That was sudden. : But inspiring! Why don't we all follow the example these two have set for us, and confess our secret loves right now! : Ok...I love my MP5. : I love John Woo and his movies. : I love kicking the crap out of fleeing criminal scum. : And I love gyros! There, now don't you all feel better? : Not really. : I'm kinda hungry... : I feel like shooting something. : YES! God bless us, every one! Nobuyuki and Mihoshi drew their head towards each other. They lips meet in a passionate kiss. They felt like it lastest for eternity. : Much like this fic. Mihoshi slowly put her tongue into Nobuyuki mouth, he returned the favor. Mihoshi broke up the kiss and said "I love you, but this is my first time, please be gentile" : Gak! Yeah, right... : Something you'd like to share? : First time my butt. I should know - I went to the academy with her. : Wow. So you're saying that you two...eh heh...heh... : Urania? : My pleasure. *WHAM* : Ow...that...REALLY...HURT! : Cool. That's the most original thing I've ever seen someone get hit with. : I know. "Don't worry my love, you will never be hurt around me" : Unlike me, who seems to be horribly injured EVERY FIVE MINUTES! : Your point being... : Nothing... Mihoshi knelt down on his lap so she can face him and be close. She got close enough to feel his hard cock about to rip out of his trunks. Nobuyuki had a giant smile on his face as he felt her pussy in her bikini rubbing agains his hard dick. : Such great descriptions! It's so poetic! : Yeah. Not so much. She put he hands behind her back and she started to unravel her bikini, she took off her top and reveled her beutyfull light tanned brests with pink nipples. They are perfectly sized, every mans dream, perfectly round, and her tan was amazing, you can see little triangles around her breasts. : Triangles? What? : I prefer the Mandelbrot Set myself... : What about a rhombus? I like those... You can see all her tan lines. Nobuyuki couldn't belive what was inches from his face. : Gah! There's a bee on my face! Get it off! His eyes widened in shock. : It's still there, isn't it? "Is there something wrong?" Mihoshi said looking worried, " Is there something wrong with my figure?" : You forgot to carry the two, but other than that your figure is ok. "No, no, no, Your amazing Mihoshi, your even beutifuller than my last wife, Im just so amazed at how beutifull you are" : "More beutifuller than my last wife?" Huh? How many wives has this guy had? : Nobuyuki? He's had, like, 15 different wives. They don't call him "Pimpin' Noby" for nothing. : Right... Mihoshi looked at Nobuyuki and she had an amazing smile on her face. They shared in another passionate kiss. Nobuyuki put his hands on Mihoshis breast and he started to message them. He moved his left hand up higher at Mihoshis neck. : Anything important happen yet? : Ah...no. He broke up the kiss : SMASH! and he started to kiss down the left side of her neck. He went lower and lower until he got in between the valley between her breats. He gave little kisses and started to kiss her right breast while he messaged her left breast with his right hand. : Yeah, yeah, we get it. Look, just move the damn scene along, will ya'? : We're going to be here a while, aren't we? : Yep. : He lowered his left and he grabbed Mihoshis ass, and he started to message it. : He's sending a lot of messages today. : I'll say. I wonder what they say... : Dear Ass - I was just in the neighborhood today, and I was wondering if you wanted to get spanked later on... He was kissing and liking her nipple, : I really like your nipple. : I'm kinda fond of it myself... they thought that they were in totaly extacy, but the best was just about to come. : Oh, no doubt. "Hmmmm this is too good, but I think its time" Mishoshi said, she got up of Nobuyuki's lap. She turns over as she bent over. : Don't mix your verb tenses. : He can't helping it. It's not his fault that he is an idiot while he wrote the story. Her gorgeus ass was inches next to his face. Then she slowly lower the lower part of her bikini. She lowered it so slowly that Nobuyuki was gonna go mad, : Y'all goin' make me lose my mind! Up in here, up in here! his cock just raising again, becomming the biggest he has ever had. She slowly revelead her asshole. She bent over even lower, her head was nearly in the water, then she stepped out of the thong part and threw it aside. Nobuyuki took of his trunks as fast as he could. He took them off then Mihoshi looked at him , and nodded. "I'm ready" she said : GREAT. Now the fun can REALLY begin. : Wow. Was that sarcasm? : I don't even know anymore... She slowly lowered herself on Nobuyuki monster dick. : THE MONSTER DICK THAT CRUSHED TOKYO! : Now that one was just stupid. She had seen a dick before but only in those love comics and she never thought that Nobuyukis would be soo big. His dick was slowly going into Mihoshis cunt, as she lowed, she moaned "HMMMMM" then Nobuyuki felt Mihoshis barrier. : WHAT? : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...oh, man...the kid needs to read up on his sex ed. : Come on! At Mihoshi's age it should be gone by now! It's not like it's made of solid titanium! I mean, riding a bike is enough to break it! : Anything else, professor? : Yes. Read chapters 8 and 9 for Friday, and don't forget that papers are due in next Tuesday. He put his hands on her hips, and he brought his waist upwards . With Mihoshis help he pushed her downwards onto his dick, while he ripped the barrier, : Dammit, I just said that it isn't that strong...oh, screw it. : I think that's the general idea. and pushed his cock further and further into Mihoshis beutifull pussy. "Ouch, that hurts" She yelled , but she was starting to enjoy it " In and out .In and out, OHHHHHH" : Sorry, love! No time for the old in-out today. I'm just here to read the meter. *Geez its been nearly 20 years that I have had sex with a woman* Nobuyuki was thinking. : Wow. Either he wrote that wrong, or that's a lot of sex. : I think he wrote it wrong. "I can't belive this Mihoshi, I LOVE YOU" He screamed : AND I LOVE YOU! : WHAT WAS THAT? : I SAID I LOVE YOU! : WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING? : WHY ARE YOU? Mihoshi started to bounce up and down on his dick, and Nobuyuki felt her ass until he saw Mihoshis breats starting to bounce up and down. He grabbed her breasts and started to message them again... : Candygram for Miss Mihoshi's breasts! Candygram! : Ok, since no one else has, I'll say it...MASSAGE! IT'S SPELLED WITH *TWO* A'S! MASSAGE! NOT MESSAGE, MASSAGE!! "OHHHH MY GOD" Mihoshi screamed with pleasure nearly getting to her climax. "I'm hitting my climax" Nobuyuki said while looking at Mihoshis face. : What?!? : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! : Thanks for telling us. : It's a good thing to know...well, maybe not... Mihoshi grabbed his hands of her breasts and she started to squeeze them, he under stood that she was reaching her climax by squeezing back. : What? She closed her eyes and tightened her face muscles. : Again, what? Is this important? Do we care? : I don't. : Nope. : I do...wait, no, I don't. They both yelled at the same time while Nobuyuki cummed into Mihoshis pussy. : YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!! "Ahhhhh" he said in relif. : Ok, so "Ahhhhh" is more of an anti-climax, if you ask me. Mihoshi stayed on his dick, but she layed her head on Nobuyuki shoulder. While they were both gasping for air. : Incomplete sentence...5 yard penalty. They rested for about 30 minutes. Nobuyuki looked into Mihoshis beutyfull blue eyes. She had 2 tears on either side of her face. One for the pain and one for her new love. : -_-" : Is this supposed to be poetic? : It's good that she can produce two different types of tears, for two different reasons, at the same time. : I wonder what the difference between them is? : Maybe the pain tear is saltier. Nobuyoki got up and sat at the edge of the hot springs pool. He opened his legs. With a few flicks of his wrist he go his dick hard again. : Now there's a neat trick. He waves his hand and PRESTO! Mihoshi understood what happened, : That's good, because I sure as hell don't. she nodded and lowered her head on Nobuyukis dick. She kissed the tip of his dick. Then she opened her mouth and started to put his dick into her mouth. : Let's see if the author can come up with a synonym for "dick." : I'm betting he can't. She sucked fast and slow. She sometimes even took it out of her mouth to lick the tip. Nobuyuki was in total extacy, he laid back and looked at the celling. : I've really got to replace those ceiling tiles. While Mihoshi sucked faster and faster and faster. : When the author uses sentence fragments. He couldn't take it anymore, he was gonna explode. : KA-BOOM! : Damn, we're stupid. : Yeah, but fun stupid. He cummed right into Mihoshis mouths. : Good Lord, how many does she have? : If this turns into a tentacle fic, I'm leaving. She was shocked and didn't know what to do so she swallowed it and started to lick it off his tip. : Yeah, swallowing bodily fluids is what I do too when I'm confused. : EWW. Really? : Let me think...NO. : Hasn't the author ever heard of the gag reflex? : If he can write a story like this, he must not have one. Just experiencing this fic is enough to trigger mine. "AHHH that was too good Mihoshi" She looked up and smiled with joy "Thank you very much" "Its time to swtich" he said. but Mihoshi was kind of confused. : I know how you feel. This whole fic has my head spinning. She sat up on the egde while Nobuyuki went into the water. He slowly opened her legs reviling her beutifull pussy. He slowly opened her pussy lips with his fingers and he opened them. : REDUNDANT! And it's repetitive, too. He slowly lowered his head, and he put his tongue into her clit. : Wait, wait...INTO her clit? : Yep. Definitely needs more sex ed. He started to lick faster and slower. : Wait, huh? Faster and slower? Which is it? PICK ONE! Mihoshi grabbed the back of his head and arched her back trying to get his entire tongue into her clit. : Author's a little confused, isn't he? : Maybe just slightly. : We should send him a copy of Gray's Anatomy. Nobuyki liked faster and faster. Mihoshi shut her eyes shut : As opposed to shutting her eyes open. and screamed in happyness. She reached her climax and started to scream. "AHHHHHHH- OHHH-UHHHH-MMMMMMMMM" : AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH...oh, wait, she's not a Saiyan. Never mind. Then she started cummin right into his mouth. "MMMM this tastes soo good" He said with a mouth full of Mihoshis semen. : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Oh, man...he makes me laugh... : Ok, here's where we are with this one. Either Mihoshi is some sort of transsexual... : Unlikely. : ...or the author doesn't know the first thing about sex and female anatomy. : Bingo. : Even putting aside the incorrect anatomy and terminology, the whole concept is a myth to begin with. "It's sooo thick. It's soooo white. It's sooo salty" : This is sooo stupid. he just loved Mihoshis flavor. It was truly a taste of Heaven, maybe even better. : Or not. "Hmmm There is only one more position I cant think of Mihoshi" Nobuyuki said with a delight look on his face. : One more position he can't think of? What? : I think it's a typo. : If so, then he's not very creative, is he? I can think of at least four more... : Please, don't feel obligated to share. Mihoshi looked at him and nodded " Yes I understand, this one might be even more fun then the others" : Or it might be...I don't know...sick and painful, perhaps? Nobuyuki saved some of Mihoshis cum as he scooped it into his right hand. He turned her around and started to lubricate her asshole. "Now Mihoshi, you must understand that you have to relax in this position. If you don't then you will hurt your self and me" Nobuyuki said calmly. "Ok" Mihoshi said with excitement. : Perhaps excrement would be a better word. : What? Gross! Wha...how did you dodge that? : It's all in the reflexes. : Damn. I wish I were that fast. My life would certainly be less painful if I were. : Or if you refrained from saying sick things. Really, I was waiting for you to say something about that one. : Gordon beat me to it. He lowered her into the hot spring water once again until she was ready to kneel down in the inside step that people sit on in the pool. She knelt down as the water was up to the bottom part of her breasts. Nobuyuki got one last feel of Mihoshi breasts and he felt her hard nipples that he adored so much. : Exciting. : Or not. Mihoshi straightened her arms, and put her hand on the ledge knowing that this might hurt more than before, but she was even readier than before. : Good logic. Makes sense to me... Nobuyuki took his right hand and put it on his erected hard cock. Then he guided it into Mihoshis asshole. Slowly inch by inch he went deeper into her, until her got in 3 quatres of the way. "Thank you for relaxing Mihoshi" he looked at her while her eyes were shut close, with a wide grin on her face. : Why do I get the feeling that she wouldn't be grinning? : Yeah...not my idea of a good time. : Does Nobuyuki know that he is in violation of anti-sodomy laws? : I'm guessing that they don't have those in Japan. I don't know why parts of the US still have them... : It's ridiculous. Even if they WERE enforced, it'd be a hell of a bugger to do. : Was that a pun? : Let's see...talking about sodomy..."hell of a BUGGER to do"...yes, it was. : Just checking. After a minute. Nobuyuki felt her asshole was as loose as her pussy, then he started to take thrusts into Mihoshi. She yelled with please and pain. But she said "Ohh DEEPER, DEEPER NOBUYUKI DEEPER" : DUMBER, AUTHOR, DUMBER! He understood that he had to fuck her harder and harder, deeper and deeper. : No, you don't have to. Really. Trust me. He was grabbing Mihoshis tits while they where boucning up and down. You can hear Mihoshis butt checks slap against Nobuyukis thighs. : We can? SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK - YELL- SCREAM : Or perhaps: STUPID STUPID STUPID STUPID - VOMIT- RETCH. : How about: TICK TICK TICK TICK - BOOM- END. : Or: ONE FISH TWO FISH - RED FISH- BLUE FISH. : I'm not even going to try. They both reached their climax and cummed at the same time. Nobuyuki sat on the inside step while Mihoshi sat on his lap. "I love you Mihoshi, I always want to be with you Mihoshi" He said as he looked into her deep blue ocean eyes : There's a gale warning for ships currently crossing Mihoshi's ocean eyes... "Are you saying what I think your saying?" she said "YES MIHOSHI MARRY ME, BE WITH ME FOR EVER!" he yelled "YES I WILL" as she looked at him with tears comming from both their faces. Then they shared in a final passionate kiss. : Then, completely without warning, the elder god Cthulhu rose from the depths of the pool and consumed both Nobuyuki and Mihoshi. Having thusly devoured them and their souls, he pronounced them to be "succulent," and "tasty." : Or how about this: As they kissed, a squad of snakemen and chryssalids blasted their way into the baths. Killing Mihoshi with a hail of heavy plasma fire, the snakemen watched as Nobuyuki was attacked by a chryssalid. Nobuyuki, now a zombie, lumbered around aimlessly as the chryssalid eggs inside him matured. With a final inhuman groan, he split in two as the newly formed alien ripped its way out of his body cavity. Everyone had a good laugh at that, until X-Com showed up and killed the lot of them. : Good one. Urania? Got a good ending? : How about this one: Zeus, looking down upon the insanity that had occurred at the Masaki home, decided to punish the puny mortals for their stupidity. With a mighty bolt of lightning, he turned the Masaki home into a burnt crater. Then he and the other gods got piss drunk to celebrate. : I like it. Kiyone? : Yeah, I've got one. Short and sweet: The girls woke up and stormed off to find Nobuyuki. Finding him in the baths, they gave him a wedgie and dunked him under the water until he cried like a little weenie. Mihoshi came to her senses, and everyone was happy. : Cool. THE END??? : YES! IT IS! for now : And for all eternity, we hope. ___________________________________________________________________ Please tell me how I did on that lemon, I would appreciate any kind of reply, : Like, say, a good slap in the face. I know that it might be boring for somepeople to log into their e-mail and then write one for me, but please do so. It's the only way I can get better. : I don't know about that. If you stopped writing altogether, that would certainly be better. My Email Is CMDR_DUFF@YAHOO.COM Hmm I'll think about it and maybe I'll do a lemon with Tenchi and Sakua. : No, no, that's all right. You don't have to do that. In fact, just don't. Or anyone you all can think of. Next time I preoberly wont to a cross over like this one, they will all be Tenchi Muyo characters : Right. Let's go. : It could've been worse... : It could've been better, too. A whole lot better. : At least it didn't feature Sasami... ------------------------ : Well, that's another one down. Scores? : Take it, Urania. : Right. I'll just speak for all of us. Stupidity: 5. Disgustingness: 2. Disturbability: 1. : Works for me. 5, 2, and 1 it is. What're you three going to do now? : I don't know about you, but I'm going to bed. : Sounds like a plan. I'm turning in, too. : I guess that just leaves you and me, Kiyone. What do you say...another game of Twister? : Good night, Loden. : Damn. The worst part is, she won the last game. I hate it when I don't get a rematch. : ...? ------------------------ And so our heroes slept soundly, secure in the knowledge that yet another bad fic had been MST'd. But they could only wonder at what horrors the next day might bring. Until we MST again... ------------------------ Stinger: Yosho heard all she shouting, screaming and the blasts from the shrine. So he got up and ran towards the house. He looked at Nobuyuki, laughed and said "Well Raditz it looks like your up to your old tricks again" ------=_NextPart_000_1ac8_79c9_1fad-